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About Us

Handsflow is an established premier integrative health & psychological mental well-being healing space. It offers local and international consultations through client-focused approach using time-tested interventions that are safe and non-invasive as an enabling tool for those in need of harmony.


We aim to be the catalyst to Restore, Revitalise, and Renew our natural rhythmic flow within us. Handsflow is represented by five fingers. The five fingers represent the five elements of the outer world we exist in -earth, air, wood, water and fire. The five fingers also represent the tools to unlock the five struggles of our inner world - worry, fear, anger, grief and pre-tense.
When there is balance between both worlds, there is a rippling effect of harmony throughout our lives and others. With Handsflow, each client experiences a customized program to bring about the optimal level of outcome.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is also known as "Acupuncture without needles". It is a gentle integrative touch therapy that promotes inner healing, relieves pain and stress associated with a variety of diagnosis. Being a safe, effective and non-invasive in nature, JSJ therapy is an excellent complement to traditional modality and it has already been incorporated in the treatment plan of several US-hospitals. 


JSJ works on the principles that our bodies have many energetic pathways that nourish all of our cells. When one or more of these pathways are disrupted due to variety of reasons (external and internal stressors such as emotional disturbances; mental anxieties and worries; diet; physical strains and injuries etc.) the energy flow is blocked.


These blockages may lead to an imbalance of physical, mental or emotional well-being and can become chronic if not treated. Hands-on sessions from a trained and experienced professional promote impactful healing support in harmonising the vital energy of the whole person, hence boosting the body to Restore, Revitalize and Renew - physical, mental-emotional well-being.


Brain Switch 2.0 


Brain-Switch 2.0  , developed by Joachim Lee, PBM, renowned psychotherapist and trauma specialist, builds upon the original Brain-Switch model. This innovative therapy addresses trauma and emotional issues with a gentle, brief, and highly effective approach.

The key features of Brain-Switch 2.0   include its brief and effective treatment, content-free approach, empowerment of individuals to control their healing process, spirit of playfulness, and avoidance of technical or psychological jargon.

By leveraging these features, Brain-Switch 2.0 ​  offers numerous benefits. It transcends physical boundaries, making it ideal for online sessions. The therapy is gentle and non-invasive, eliminating the need for painful retelling of traumatic events. Notably, the practitioner doesn't need to know the specifics of the trauma to address and resolve it.

Brain-Switch 2.0   provides a refreshing alternative to traditional therapy, focusing on empowerment and self-healing. Its content-free approach ensures a safe and comfortable environment for clients.






Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI)

Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Mike Deninger to help individuals overcome traumatic experiences. It targets physical, emotional, and sensory reactions associated with trauma.

MEMI utilizes lateral eye movements to access and process traumatic memories without requiring clients to retell their experiences, reducing the risk of re-traumatization.

This approach blocks the recall of fear memory in the amygdala, resets hippocampus function, reactivates the amygdala-prefrontal cortex connection, and rewires the limbic system.

MEMI is a safe and effective therapy that addresses the complex nature of traumatic experiences through its multisensory approach. This reduces dropout rates and promotes faster recovery.

Unlike traditional trauma treatments, MEMI eliminates the need for repetitive storytelling, reducing re-traumatization risks, making MEMI a simple yet effective method to resolve trauma and emotional issues.

Image by Pascal Chanel
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